

السد الأخضر الجزائري Green Dam algeria (english)

أبريل 10, 2012
Green dam
Absolute priority of the DGF
In 1969, the government of Houari Boumediene throws the green dam, an immense belt of 1200-km long on 20-km large having to protect the North part of Algeria of the inexorable progress of the desert.
This Pharaonic yard of a surface of 3 millions of hectares, confided to the army, had to not mobilize less than 20 000 young recruits of the national service. During about twenty years, the army tackled the task thus while putting the big means. The work began to take body in spite of the uncouthness of the land and this until the withdrawal of the army in the beginning of the years 1990. Follows a transfer of orders with the administration of the forests that took the yard officially in 1994. "While receiving it, the green dam was already centered well. The tracing was studied judiciously. We can say that the army did his/her/its best when it was at the scene ", indicated us the director of the enhancement of the earths in the DGF, M. Khelifa. Today writes down like a national priority, the project of the green dam is, according to the DGF, in full phase of realization. "The work is divided in several big yards, essentially localized in Tébessa, Naâma, Khenchela, Me sila and Djelfa. We must clear the sites that knew advanced deteriorations and where the rate of success didn't pass the 50%. In short, the main mission of the DGF is the funding and the extension of the green dam, a project that goes in the setting of a governmental instruction signed in 1994 and up to date discount by the program of raise economic of the quinquennial 2005-2009 ", add M. Khelifa and to specify: Works have never been frozen in spite of the problems of insecurity that touched the country and in particular the regions where should pass the green dam. For the period 1994-2000, the DGF didn't afforest less than 70 551 ha, of which 11 000 ha to Tébessa and 10 000 ha respectively in Djelfa, Me sila and Khenchela. Let's note that the surface dedicated to the work, either 3 millions of hectares, also include those of the cities and villages that rub themselves of it. The courses steppiques and the agricultural spaces are to exclude the project. "The green dam is not only an ecological protection, it is also par excellence a vector to the local development ". For what is financing, the DGF is anxious to mention the numerous devices created by the State to the example of the national Plans of the agricultural and farming (PNDA and PNDR) development, the national program of the High Trays and the program of the South. "The green dam remains an example to follow for the other countries. A lot of countries, of which China, would like to benefit from this experience ", affirm the DGF. "In order to respect biodiversity, the administration of the forests tackles to vary the species. For what is zones steppiques, the pastoral plantation to improve the efficiency also in units fodder face among the priorities. And the hand-d' .uvre? Funds planned for the realization of the project evidently take in account the
shutter of the hand-d' .uvre ", assure the DGF